Thursday, November 26, 2009

Count Your Blessings See What God Hath Done

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We all have so much to be thankful for. :) I myself am very thankful today because I had to have surgery yesterday and all went well. It was on my knee because its been hurting for about three years with little relieve. I've already had one surgery but it didn't help much, so hopefuly this one will make the hurting stop. Turns out I had pinched tissue under the knee cap, so that is probably what was causing so much pain. The worse part of having surgery is that I don't get to go anywhere today and see family. But I get to stay home with my parents and brother, which we have never done, so it will be a great adventure.

I usually do not post at 6:30 in the morning, but because of the pain I couldn't sleep so I figured this would work instead. I would have tried to practice for band but...I didn't think my dad would appreciate being woke up by an oboe, so I'll save that for later. I just got an idea for something to do in a little bit :D this will be fun, I'll try to post them later. Ok, I guess I should attempt to sleep some since I just took some pain pills.

Hope everyone has a GREAT Thanksgiving :) and don't eat too much or you will have to work it off later.


  1. Hope the pain goes away soon.. that sounds like it hurts pretty bad.

    Hope you had a great holiday! - JoAnn

  2. thanks. it has. nikki can vouch for me, i was her toy doll in band for a few days :) lots of fun. hope ya'll had a great holiday too
