Monday, November 9, 2009


Hello again,

Today was an intersting day. School as usual and then band practice for our concert tomorrow. It went well, I have a solo on one of our songs on my oboe. But I'm excited. Right now I am listening to Larry The Cable Guy. It's his christmas special. Yes, I say Christmas! Not holiday or winter. But Christmas. Ok anyway, new topic.

At our concert we play our marching show. And as we were playing I started to think about that marching band is over. :( its sad. Like I've said, I love my band. So for the season to be over it makes me cry a little on the inside. Honestly, the hardest part of all of this is that, now all the seniors are almost graduated. :/ like my best firend Hali. I've known her forever. And she's gonna leave. lol. and the rest of my seniors. Hopefully they will come back and vist me!

This is me and Hali and Kasey. My drum majors! :)

So now i'm gonna go and finish my homework. This was short I know but its ok. :)

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