Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We all have so much to be thankful for. :) I myself am very thankful today because I had to have surgery yesterday and all went well. It was on my knee because its been hurting for about three years with little relieve. I've already had one surgery but it didn't help much, so hopefuly this one will make the hurting stop. Turns out I had pinched tissue under the knee cap, so that is probably what was causing so much pain. The worse part of having surgery is that I don't get to go anywhere today and see family. But I get to stay home with my parents and brother, which we have never done, so it will be a great adventure.
I usually do not post at 6:30 in the morning, but because of the pain I couldn't sleep so I figured this would work instead. I would have tried to practice for band but...I didn't think my dad would appreciate being woke up by an oboe, so I'll save that for later. I just got an idea for something to do in a little bit :D this will be fun, I'll try to post them later. Ok, I guess I should attempt to sleep some since I just took some pain pills.
Hope everyone has a GREAT Thanksgiving :) and don't eat too much or you will have to work it off later.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I'm through with playing by the rules of someone elses game
Wow, I'm pretty bad at this writing thing...anyway, this has been a very eventful weekend. I had lots of fun. Yesterday was the Miss Central Scholarship Pageant at my school. I had a lot of fun getting all dressed up and getting my make up done and nails done. Even though I didn't win, it was lots of fun. My friend Erin, won Miss Freshman, and I got Second runner up for the Miss Jounior. Hali got thrid runner up for Miss Central. I was proud of them. This is been a great adventure.
Now on to the next one. On wednesday, I have surgery on my knee. It isn't a major surgery just sorta annoying. Hopefuly its going to be ok. I might be on crutches for a few weeks but hopefully not too bad.
Ok, I'm going to work on my project... ): so i'll be back later
Now on to the next one. On wednesday, I have surgery on my knee. It isn't a major surgery just sorta annoying. Hopefuly its going to be ok. I might be on crutches for a few weeks but hopefully not too bad.
Ok, I'm going to work on my project... ): so i'll be back later
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Don't Stop Believin'
Today was a pretty good day, it was a good end to a good week. Lately I have been sorta sad for unknown reasons to even me. But this week I have been really happy. My friends are AH-MAZING!!
Anyway, this week we had a band concert that I had a solo on my oboe. And if I do say so myself it went pretty darn well. :) and then we got new music for our christmas concert....SLEIGH RIDE!!! its a tradition at my high school for the top orchestra and top band to play it together. needless to say I'm so excited. So today was my interviews for the Miss Central Scholarship Pageant, that is next week. Hoepfully I did well on the interview because it counts 40% of the total score.
My dress from last year.
But after the interview I went to Wal-Mart and walked around for an hour while my oil in my car was changed. Oh the joys of having a car. :) I was able to buy my first Christmas present today. Then I came home and chilled. So although it was a pretty lazy day, it was very enjoyable. Tomorrow morning, I'm playing at LPC with my friend Hunter's orchestra he has for his church. So hopefully it will go well.
Well goodnight for now. Up early tomorrow. and lots of church.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hello again,
Today was an intersting day. School as usual and then band practice for our concert tomorrow. It went well, I have a solo on one of our songs on my oboe. But I'm excited. Right now I am listening to Larry The Cable Guy. It's his christmas special. Yes, I say Christmas! Not holiday or winter. But Christmas. Ok anyway, new topic.
At our concert we play our marching show. And as we were playing I started to think about that marching band is over. :( its sad. Like I've said, I love my band. So for the season to be over it makes me cry a little on the inside.
Honestly, the hardest part of all of this is that, now all the seniors are almost graduated. :/ like my best firend Hali. I've known her forever. And she's gonna leave. lol. and the rest of my seniors. Hopefully they will come back and vist me!
So now i'm gonna go and finish my homework. This was short I know but its ok. :)
Today was an intersting day. School as usual and then band practice for our concert tomorrow. It went well, I have a solo on one of our songs on my oboe. But I'm excited. Right now I am listening to Larry The Cable Guy. It's his christmas special. Yes, I say Christmas! Not holiday or winter. But Christmas. Ok anyway, new topic.
At our concert we play our marching show. And as we were playing I started to think about that marching band is over. :( its sad. Like I've said, I love my band. So for the season to be over it makes me cry a little on the inside.
This is me and Hali and Kasey. My drum majors! :)
So now i'm gonna go and finish my homework. This was short I know but its ok. :)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
My Life in a Nutshell
So this is a blog ispired by my friend Nikki. She is a pretty cool girl. But anyway. My name is Felecia. I am 16 years old and in 11th grade. I am obviously in band. (incase you didn't catch that from the title :P) and this is just for me to be able to talk about stuff. I don't know who or how many people will actually read this, but it seemed like a good idea to me.
Seeing as this is a blog about my life i guess i will talk about the most important things in my life. Friend/family, Church, and Band!
Friends and family- Well I have the most amazing friends. Friends at school and friends at church. They are the people who are always there for me no matter what dumb blonde stuff I do.
Church- well this is where I have basicaly grown up. I have gone to Victory Baptist Church for approximentaly 10 years. This is where I have so many memories and have seen friends come and go, but Jesus is always there for me and will never leave me. That one idea has gotten me through alot.
Band- So this is my life, especaily from July to November. I love my band and most of the people there. :P In the Black Knight Marching Band, I am the flute/picc section leader. And in concert band I play oboe. Piano is thrown in there on the side for entertainment. I really want to be drum major but sorta doubt that will happen. But anyway, after college I am planing to go to college, most likely University of Georgai, or Troy University, and major in Music Education.
Well its getting late and I am tired and have school tomorrow. So I'll be back eventually.
Good Night
Seeing as this is a blog about my life i guess i will talk about the most important things in my life. Friend/family, Church, and Band!
Friends and family- Well I have the most amazing friends. Friends at school and friends at church. They are the people who are always there for me no matter what dumb blonde stuff I do.
Church- well this is where I have basicaly grown up. I have gone to Victory Baptist Church for approximentaly 10 years. This is where I have so many memories and have seen friends come and go, but Jesus is always there for me and will never leave me. That one idea has gotten me through alot.
Band- So this is my life, especaily from July to November. I love my band and most of the people there. :P In the Black Knight Marching Band, I am the flute/picc section leader. And in concert band I play oboe. Piano is thrown in there on the side for entertainment. I really want to be drum major but sorta doubt that will happen. But anyway, after college I am planing to go to college, most likely University of Georgai, or Troy University, and major in Music Education.
Well its getting late and I am tired and have school tomorrow. So I'll be back eventually.
Good Night
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